XCINEX is a California-based technology company focused on the future of audience measurement and ticketed streaming of new filmed and live content. VENUE and Engauge AI, both products of XCINEX, are leveraging the power of AI and Computer Vision to disrupt the entertainment and the audience measurement industries.

VENUE revolutionizes the way audiences experience entertainment by transforming mobile devices and TVs into virtual VIP seats for the latest movies and live events. With immersive features such as watch parties, backstage access, digital selfies, and personalized meet and greets, VENUE enhances consumer engagement and fan interaction like never before.

Engauge AI is at the forefront of audience measurement and content analysis, providing real-time insights and personalized recommendations. VENUE leverages advanced video content analysis and demographic/mood assessment to help content creators, market research firms, and brands understand their audience like never before. With features such as interactive reporting, cross-platform compatibility, and customizable campaigns, Engauge AI empowers users to make data-driven decisions based on real actionable insights.